Selected bibliography
E. Berger ed., Der Parthenon-Kongress Basel, Referate und Berichte, 4 bis 8 April 1982, 2 vols, Mainz 1984.
E. Berger-M. Gisler-Huwiler: Der Parthenon in Basel: Dokumentation zum Fries vol I, II, Basel 1996.
E. Berger, Kanon, Festschrift Ernst Berger, ed. M. Schmidt, Basel 1988.
L. Beschi, “Il Fregio del Partenone: una Proposta di Lettura’, Attidella Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 1984, pp. 173-195.
L. Beschi, Archäische und Klassische Griechische Plastik, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Abteilung Athen, Akten des Internationalen Kolloquiums 22-25 April 1985, vol. 2, Mainz 1985, pp. 199-224.
J. Boardman, ‘The Parthenon Frieze – Another View’, in Festschrift für Frank Brommer, ed. U. Höckmann and A. Krug, Mainz 1977, pp. 39-49.
J. Boardman and D. Finn, The Parthenon and its Sculptures, London 1985.
Th. Bowie and D. Thimme ed., The Carrey Drawings of the Parthenon Sculptures. Bloomington 1971.
F. Brommer, Der Parthenonfries: Katalog und Untersuchung, Mainz 1977.
D. Buitron-Oliver, ed., The Interpretation of Architectural Sculpture in Greece and Rome, Washington DC, 1997.
J. B. Connelly, “Parthenon and Parthenoi: A Mythological Interpretation of the Parthenon Frieze”, American Journal of Archaelogy 100, 1996, pp 58-80.
M.B. Cosmopoulos, ed., The Parthenon and its Sculptures. Recent Advances in Their History, Iconography, and Interpretation, Papers presented at the International Conference “The Parthenon and its Sculptures in the 21st Century,” held at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, April 26-28, Cambridge 2002.
A. Δεληβορριάς, H Zωοφόρος του Παρθενώνα, Aθήνα 2006
W. B. Dinsmoor, «New Evidence for the Parthenon Frieze», American Journal of Archaelogy 58, 1954, pp. 144-5.
C. Hadziaslani & S. Mavrommatis, Parthenon Promenades, Athens 2001
E. Harrison, “Time in the Parthenon Frieze” in E. Berger ed., Parthenon-Kongress Basel, Referate und Berichte 4 bis 8 April 1982, 2 vols, Mainz 1984, pp.230-234.
I. D. Jenkins, The Parthenon Frieze, London 1994.
I. D. Jenkins, Cleaning and Controversy: The Parthenon Sculptures 1811-1939, The British Museum Occasional Paper 146, London 2001.
Χρ. Καρδαρά, ‘Γλαυκώπις, ο Aρχαϊκός Nαός και το Θέμα της Zωφόρου του Παρθενώνα’, Aρχαιολογική Eφημερίς 1961, σελ. 61-158.
J. M. Mansfield, ‘The Robe of Athena and the Panathenaic Peplos’ PhD. Dissertation, University of California at Berkeley 1985.
S. Mavrommatis & C. Hadziaslani, The Parthenon Frieze, Athens 2002
A. Michaelis, Der Parthenon, Leipzig 1871.
A. Michaelis, «Die Lücken im Parthenonfries», in Archaologische Zeitung 43, 1885, pp. 53-70
A. Mizuta and his Colleagues, Iconographic and Stylistic Observations on the Parthenon Frieze, Tokyo 2001.
J. Neils ed., Goddess and Polis: The Panathenaic Festival in Ancient Athens. Exhib. cat. Hanover, N.H., 1992.
J. Neils, ed., Worshipping Athena: Panathenaia and Parthenon, Madison 1996.
J. Neils, The Parthenon Frieze, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2001.
E. Papakonsantinou & K. Frantzikinaki, The Parthenon West Frieze: A Study of Cleaning Methods. Study of the Parthenon Restoration 7, Athens 2002.
M. Robertson & A. Frantz, «The Parthenon Frieze», London, 1975.
S. Rotroff, ‘The Parthenon Frieze and the Sacrifice to Athena’, American Journal of Archaeology 81, 1977, pp. 379-382.
J. L. Shear, “Polis and Panathenaia: The History and Development of Athena΄s Festival”. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 2001.
Ε. Simon, Die Mittelszene im Ostfries des Parthenon, Athenische Mitteilungen 97, 1982, pp. 127-144.
Ε. Simon, Festivals of Attica: An Archaeological Commentary, Madison, 1983.
A. H. Smith, The Sculptures of the Parthenon, London 1910.
Ch. Vlassopoulou, The conservation of the Parthenon west frieze from the archaeologist΄s point of view, Proceedings of the Danish Institute at Athens, 2007
B. Wesenberg, “Panathenäische Peplosdedikation und Arrhephorie. Zur Thematik des Parthenonfrieses”, Jdl 110, pp.149-78, 1995.’…